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Want To Create Effective Ads? Stop Taking Guesses And Do This Instead

Writer: Georgios NalmpantisGeorgios Nalmpantis

I vividly remember the first time I created an ad. 

It was for a local real estate company that hired me to get them more house sellers.

So one random Tuesday morning, I got coffee, put my noise cancelling headphones on, opened a google document and decided to start writing the texts for the ads.

But as soon as I sat down, I had to overcome one major obstacle.

‘’The blank page problem’’ 

The idea of starting from 0 and filling out a completely empty page with sentences, was scarier than a root canal therapy without anesthesia.

Having no idea what to write, what headline to use and what opening or closing sentences, I was trying to predict the perfect ads.

But very soon I realized that you can never do that unless you want to gamble your money into ads (If that’s your goal, then you will have more fun going to a casino).

So what you have to do is to test different things and let your audience decide what they want to see or not.

And this where the A/B testing completely changed my life.

How To Never Fail An Ad

As soon as you understand what A/B testing is, you will start seeing it everywhere. No matter if it's deciding what food to eat, what coffee to drink, what movie to watch or what clothes to buy.

So let’s take the food example.

Imagine that it’s your birthday and on your way to the office, you make a stop at a pastry shop to buy some treats.

But instead of buying 20 or 30 pieces of one pastry, what you do is that you take 2 or 3 different types in order to please everyone.

You leave the boxes in the main office and by the end of the day, you see 1 box empty while the other ones got completely ignored.

So get an idea of what your ‘’audience’’ wants.

Now you are probably wondering how this will help you create effective ads.

Well….. This is exactly what A/B testing is.

Instead of praying that your first ad will work, you test different things at the same time and you let your customers decide which ones they find more interesting.

For example: 

  • Which headlines get more attention ‘’Looking to sell your house’’ or ‘’Sell you house now’’

  • Do videos or pictures perform better?

  • Which offers get more inquiries?

You run tests, you see the data, you focus on what works best and absolutely ignore what doesn’t.

How To Beat 99% Of Your Competitors

Now even if you try to do that process, there are a couple mistakes that can demolish your results. So here are a some things you have to keep in mind:

  1. Say No To The Shinny object syndrome: Don’t try to test 1000 different variables at the same time. Focus on one thing at a time, see what works and then piece by piece build the perfect ad.

  1. Don’t make decisions faster than a blue haired first year college student changing her pronouns: Always wait a couple of days to collect a bit more data before making any changes.

  1. Don’t waste time and energy on unimportant things: Instead of trying to figure out if the word ‘’this’’ will work better than the word ‘’that’’, test all the significant stuff like headlines, offers, videos etc.

So if you follow that process before buying clothes, why not follow it in your ads and make your marketing ‘’Too Hard To Die’’?

A/B testing is for everyone who cares about taking the best possible decision every time.

It’s awesome, it works every time (if you know what you are doing at least) and can guarantee that your ads will always make money one way or another.

Talk soon,


P.S. Interested in learning how our agency can use A/B testing and other methods that can 3x your sales after the first few weeks?

Here is what you can do:

Click Here and fill out the form for a Free Marketing Analysis.

Then our team will get in touch with you in order to give your current marketing a look and come up with a Free Action Plan on how we can improve it.

If we agree to move forward, then awesome.

If not, that’s fine as well.

No hard feelings, No cost, No obligations.

Sounds pretty fair, right?

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