If you look at 1000 ads of 1000 different products, you will notice a very simple pattern.
99% of them are the same. It’s like they are coming out of a manufacturing line.
Monotonous, repetitive and more boring than reading a tax document.
But even if you manage to get in that epic 1% and succeed in making clients pay attention to your ad….. that won’t be enough to pay the bills.
We need sales.
So you have to craft an engaging ad that will empty your clients wallets faster than you can say ‘’Take my money’’.
And the best way to do that is by creating a solid ‘’CTA’’.
So let’s see how we can do that.
How To Demolish Your Competition By Using A CTA
CTA stands for Call To Action and it’s the only way to take the clients interest and convert it into money.
It can be just a couple of words at the end of the ad like ‘’Fill out the form to get a guide on how to do X’’.
But these couple of words will make your clients stand up and say ‘’Yes, please get in touch with me’’.
Having an eye-catching ad without a CTA should be considered a crime.
It’s like talking to a beautiful lady and at the end of the conversation not asking her to go out with you.
Get Into Your Customers Mind
In order to create a solid CTA, you have to put yourself in your ideal client's shoes.
What are their dream desires? What do they want to get out of this? What is keeping them up at night?
Now I hope that your targeted audience is not women, because if it is….. You are going to have a very hard time doing that.
A very simple ‘’Book Here’’ is not enough.
You want your CTA to stand out like a fly in a glass of milk.
Is their main concern the time?
‘’Click here to book your appointment and you will get your car cleaned in 10 minutes’’
Is their main concern the price?
‘’Click here to save 20% on your next order’’
So you have to find your ideal customer's priorities and move accordingly.
But keep in mind that you should use one CTA each time.
Things like ‘’visit our website or give us a call or send a message or write us a direct mail and attach it to a pigeon's leg’’ are more confusing than ChatGPT’s instructions when you ask it for basically anything.
So now let’s start adding CTAs that make sense to your ads and let’s get some sales.
Talk soon,
P.S. Interested in learning how we can implement solid CTAs that will make you more money?
Here is what you can do:
Click Here to fill out the form and one of our team members will contact you too ask some quick questions and see if we are a good match to move on.
No annoying sales tactics, No obligations, No cost.
And if we see that we can work together, then that’s great.
If not, that’s fine as well.
No hard feelings.
Sounds good? Form