When I was a teenager, my father used to tell me so many things which I couldn’t understand because I was too young and foolish.
One of his sayings was: ‘’ The one you think is so special, she is not’’.
Obviously I would get mad everytime because I was with a girl with whom things were going pretty well and in my mind they would stay like that forever.
Obviously after a couple of months I got my heart broken. Seems like my father was wiser than I thought as this turned out to be one the best lessons not only for relationships but for businesses as well…
Fast forward:
A couple of years have gone by. I grew up and I started my own marketing agency. But most importantly, I was thinking that I had overcome the mistakes I’ve made in the past.
But I was about to fall into the Exact Same Trap as I did when I was 17 years old. This time with a much higher cost….
I closed my first client and it was a very big business which was paying me a fair amount per month to handle their advertising. Enough to convince me that I didn’t have to work with another client at that time.
So, I created One advertising campaign which consisted of only One ad. To my surprise, this ended up being a very successful ad as it was generating a good amount of leads for my client.
I was making the business owner happy and I was even happier. I felt the same way that Caesar did when he managed to make Rome the Center of the world. But we all know how that story ended.
I was delusional for a second time…..
All of a sudden, one Tuesday morning Meta decided that it was a great time to block my ad account and turn the tide againsts me. My so ‘’precious’’ ad which was generating so many leads and was making everyone happy,
Suddenly disappeared……
So I made the exact same mistake but this time with my agency. Instead of relying on only one girl, I was relying on only One ad.
The major difference was that the price was so much higher. At that time I wish I had gotten my heart broken again instead of losing the amount of money I did.
I tried everything I possibly could in order to solve the problem as soon as possible. I chatted with so many bots, I sent tens of emails and DMs to Meta support in order to figure out what was wrong.
But it was like casting bread in water and hoping for its return…
I always received the exact same answer.
‘’ Thanks for reaching out to the Meta Support Center. We will get back to you as soon as possible'’
Or something like that,
I can’t express to you how bad of a situation I got myself in.
Not Only there were 0 leads coming in for my client,
But my whole Agency was relying on this client as he was paying me a very respectable amount.
There is no need to tell you what happened after….
This story taught me one of the most valuable lessons in businesses and in life in general.
One is the worst number in every scenario.
If you are relying on only ONE thing, no matter if it is an ad, a client, a staff or anything else, it is like sitting back and waiting for the catastrophe.
Sooner or later something will go wrong and your whole plan will cast itself straight into the hell of wastebasketdom.
If your Meta Ad is generating a lot of leads and is extremely effective…. That’s perfect,
Now is the time to use same principles on other platforms as well
Email Marketing
Direct Mail Marketing
And the list goes on and on…
So when it comes to marketing and relationships, you should never rely on Only One!!!
No matter how special you think it is.
In investing it is called Diversification and it is the most simple way to lower the risk of failing.
I might sound a bit misogynistic, I know… but this is the only way you can make your business unkillable.
Talk soon,
P.S. Are you are interested in watching how we can implement this in your business?
Fill out the Form and I personally will give your marketing a look and create a custom plan based on your needs and goals.
Then if we both agree and see that we can move one, we will be more than happy to work with you and help your business grow!