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How to Create Ads That Demand Attention

Writer: Georgios NalmpantisGeorgios Nalmpantis

Updated: Dec 14, 2024

There are a few possible scenarios that can happen when someone will stumble upon your ads.

Either they scroll past it, completely ignoring it as if it was a volunteer in the traffic lights asking for money to save the polar bears.

Or they will stop their doom scroll in order to read every word you wrote.

Or they get interrupted or they die.

Now before we see how we can get your ideal customer's eyes glued to the screen, let’s start with the most important reason why most ads fail to get attention.

Make it all about them

‘’We have over 30 years or experience in the market’’ or ‘’We are are the best’’ or ‘’We have the best price’’

Did you notice something similar in these sentences?.....

Most businesses use headlines like : we….. we…… we….. As if they are politicians giving out speeches 1 week before the election.

I know that you are proud of your company and you love talking about yourself, but the cold, hard truth is that nobody cares about you. They only care about themselves.

You have to make it all about them. The readers. Give them a reason to pay attention, show them that you want to help them make the right decision.

Most people are just scrolling on their phones looking for some quick entertainment. 

They are not looking to buy anything and if you don’t skip through the bullshit, they will get slightly annoyed with your ad.

Your first sentence needs to be so good that they can’t help themselves from reading the next and the next… and the next…..

Look at this:

‘’Save 10,000$ on your next apartment’’ or ‘’How to sell your home in 30 days’’ 

See how you can make your headline all about them and get their attention?

Get Your Business In Front Of The Right Eyeballs

In the world of social media, TikTok and endless scrolling, attention has become a currency and no one can argue with that. 

But the problem is that some people take this too far and they do everything they can to get people's attention. 

Look at this: 

You probably got a bit confused. So did I when I saw this ad the first time.

They tried to trick people into visiting their website using a qr code that everyone would scan.

Now I am pretty sure that if we would play an engagement contest they would win.

But engagement or clicks will not pay the bills. And neither do the scans.

We need sales. 

So you need to craft a headline that will attract only the people who are a good fit to buy, ignoring all the time wasters.

And the best way to do that? 


Simply ask them if they are a good prospect for your service. 

‘’Are you looking for a new home?’’

‘’Does your back hurt?’’

‘’ Struggling to lose weight?’’

‘’Can’t sell your home?’’ 

Do you see how the same applies with everything? 

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel, it’s the simple stuff that works best and will help you pay your bills by the end of the month.

Talk soon,


P.S. Interested in learning how me and my team can help your company create headlines that will force your ideal customers to stop their scroll and consume your content?

Do this:

Click Here to fill out the form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible, in order to arrange a quick call and ask you some questions to see if we are a good fit to move forward.

If we are, that’s awesome.

If we are not, that’s fine as well.

No hard feelings, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good?


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