‘’If you want to keep people's attention you have to create reels with each plan to last 2-3 seconds’’
I am pretty sure that this has crossed your mind as the solution to get and keep people’s attention.
Everyone's watching these videos, right?
Well…… that’s true but only for TikTokers.
If you are a business owner, you can’t create ‘’A Day In A Life’’ or ‘’What I Eat In A Day’’ videos.
You have to come up with something more creative and powerful at the same time.
So in this article I will point out 3 things to make sure that your content does not scare your ideal customers off.
Hook Them Harder Than Captain Hook
When your customers are in scanning mode, your first few words will either magnetize them or they will absolutely ignore it. There is no other way about it.
So the title of each paragraph, ad, blog or post you create has to hook your reader and don’t let go of him as if it was a dog holding on to a huge bone.
In order to do that, you have to spark his interest, make him curious and give him a solid reason to keep reading.
Otherwise, he will return back to the scanning mode until he finds something that will move him.
Skip All The Fluff
Once you hook your reader’s attention, it’s way easier to keep it. Even if you slip off for a sentence or two, it’s very likely that he will keep reading.
But if you will start talking about you, your company, how many years you have been doing this, how good you are or what you ate yesterday, then he will leave faster than you can say ‘’Please Stay!’’
So do this favor to yourself and cut through all the noise with a chainsaw.
Be concise and get straight to the point.
Tell them how they are going to benefit out of this? What more are you going to provide compared to all the other 10.000 competitors in the market? And why should he even pay attention to what you are saying?
Now if you have done these steps properly, you are at a point where you have hooked their attention and they will start reading the rest of your words.
But there is one more mistake that can demolish everything you have done so far before they reach your final sentence.
Remember That You Are Talking To Human Beings
As David Oglivy, the father of advertising has said ‘’Your customer is not a moron, she is your wife’’.
Which means that you have to talk to them the same way you speak to your wife, or your grandma or even a toddler.
And fixing this is actually pretty simple. Just every time you finish creating your content, just ask yourself:
‘’Would I actually say this to a human being?’’.
If the answer is no, then you have to think of a way to make it yes.
‘’The foundational tenets of conducting business entail identifying a prevalent issue affecting a significant portion of the population, devising a mechanism to address said issue, and subsequently formulating a distinct value proposition that establishes differentiation from competing entities within the market landscape.’’
If you managed to get through this, then well done. It is so boring that it took me 5 attempts to complete it.
Look at this on the other hand::
‘’Creating a business is way more simple than what you think. You just have to come up with an awesome product/service that will change your customers' lives'’
Do you notice the difference? The first one is like an alien that is pretending to be a human. Or an AI (something more trendy).
Which one are you more likely to say in a conversation?
Talk soon,
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