I will tell you exactly what your ideal customer is doing right now.
He is on Facebook.
Or Instagram.
Or maybe on both of them.
Doomscrolling until he stumbles upon something that will get his attention and interrupt him from moving to the next reel.
So if your headline doesn’t stand out in any way, chances are that he will act like he didn’t even see it, absolutely ignoring it as if it was an ex boyfriend/girlfriend walking by on the street.
Sometimes they are even getting annoyed with the fact that you tried to interrupt them with your ad.
So this is why I will point out 3 mistakes that everyone is making in their headlines and how you can fix them so doomscrollers gladly pay attention
Let’s dive into them….
Get Your Business In Front Of The Right Eyeballs
The goal of an ad is to get your message in front of the ideal customers.
If you try to target everyone, then you will have to spend the GDP of a small African Country every month on ads in order to get good results. So you need to narrow things down.
And one of the best ones to do that is by calling them out on the headline.
‘’Are You Looking To Buy A House?’’ or ‘’ Struggling To Sell Your Home?’’.
Now that’s not complete yet but we ticked the first box and we got the right peoples attention.
So let’s move on to the next one……
Transform Dull Words Into Life-Changing Essentials
If I wanted you to get only one thing out of this article, it would be this one.
Because I have seen businesses suffering just because their ads are boring, repetitive and cliche.
And when I tell most business owners that their ads or their content is boring, they think that they have to use confetti, fireworks or even jokes that will make their customers laugh.
That sounds interesting, right?
Well…. Actually that’s not what I mean. I am referring to the fact that they don’t give their ideal customers a reason to pay attention.
They need to know: How are they going to benefit out of this? How are you going to change their lives? Are you providing something different than all the others on the market? Why should someone choose you?
If your headline doesn’t answer one or all of the questions above, then you probably have to come up with something different and more powerful.
‘’Sell Your House In 30 Days’’ or ‘’How To Get High And Stable Returns Out Of Your Real Estate Investments’’
Now that looks more complete. But even if you follow these 2 steps correctly, there is one more mistake that can demolish your results.
Cut Through The Jargon
Avoid making assumptions, make it simple and don’t use weird ‘’industry words’’.
Don't assume that the customer knows your jargon.
So you need to talk to them like you talk to any other person and explain your message in very simple terms.
In order to remedy this, after you craft a headline, tell your mother to review it. Or your uncle. Or anyone else who has no idea about your industry.
Obviously they will tell you that it’s good because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. But ask them: what did they get out of this headline? Did they understand what you are referring to?
If the answer is not, then you need to make it more simple.
So now you have the exact blueprint that will make your headlines not only interesting, but effective as well.
So fix these mistakes and your ROI will thank you.
Talk soon,
P.S. Interested in learning how our agency can create headlines so good that will magnetize all of your ideal customers?
Here is what you can do:
Click Here and fill out the form for a Free Marketing Analysis.
One of our team members will contact you as soon as possible to ask you some questions and come up with a strategy that can expand your business.
If we agree to move on, then awesome!
If not, that’s absolutely fine.
No cost, No obligation, No annoying sales tactics.
Sounds fair, right?