If your goal is to write ads that have very good results, i.e. generate interest and bring more customers ... this article will be very useful to you.
I remember very vividly the first time I wrote my first ad. It was not a very pleasant experience.
Especially if you're writing ads for other people's businesses, there's even more pressure on you. You know that a person has entrusted you with a part of their business and the advertisement you write must necessarily bring some results.
I remember in detail every minute I sat staring at a blank page on a computer.
The reason why most ads fail
I did some research to see how I should write my first ad.
Some sources claim that you should use a small and beautiful animal. While some claim this is unprofessional.
Many say that you should repeat the message you want to get across. Others say that repetition irritates people and has no positive effect.
But the time I had at my disposal was running out and I had to present to the client a result that I didn't have ready until that moment. So what I did was I studied the ads of similar successful businesses and tried to copy their structure.
I showed the result to the client and he said he liked it and we went ahead with the ad.
After a few days, I contacted the client again to find out the results of the ad. The customer seemed a bit puzzled as he hadn't understood exactly what I meant.
When I explained to him that from now on we'll be tracking sales and people the ads bring in, he seemed pretty excited about the idea.
When I thought back to why the customer was excited, I came to the conclusion that most ads are not aimed at sales for a business.
This is something I've noticed further in my experience as I've seen quite a few people write ads for various businesses and not see the sales their ad brought to the business they're working with.
Their goal is simply to create a beautiful ad that just looks good and is not efficient.
Therefore the idea has been formed in the market in general that advertisements does not help a business to get more sales immediately.
Fix the way you advertise
When we spend time and money on something, we need to observe and measure the result.
It doesn't matter if we spend money on a car wash or an advertising campaign. In both cases we want the result to be what we paid for.
Most businesses throw money at advertising to no avail.
I completely disagree with this approach to advertising.
How I stopped wasting money on ads...
and how your business can do the same.
I decided to separate effective from ineffective marketing.
I had to try several things and write several ads to come up with this split.
If I had to explain in depth all the theory behind effective marketing, I would write an article long enough to be considered an article. So I will analyze the most basic principle of my own theory.
Some of you will have heard it ' Pearson's Law '.
"What is measurable can be improved"
How can you make an ad measurable?
Quite simply by putting consumers through a process that asks them to take some steps.
Steps that will show us the audience that is interested in a product and what we need to improve to expand this audience.
One of the basic principles I have when starting my collaboration with a new client is that ''Every ad must have a measurable result, no exceptions''.
Vague results and various terminologies such as ''Brand awareness'' are not acceptable.
We only want measurable, tangible and realistic results.
There are many ways for any business, including yours, to achieve this. If you want to know how we will achieve this in your own business, fill out the form to contact us today.